27 dic 2015

Teaching Writing: Revision Planning Conference Sheet

Revision Planning Conference Sheet
Adapted from: Reid (1993). In Grabe, W. and R.B. Kaplan (1996) Theory And Practice of Writing. Harlow: Longman (p. 392)
Writing Task              , draft    – Date:                        Student-writer's name:

1.     I think the best part of my draft is…
2.     I think the weakest part of my draft is…
3.     Three questions I want to ask you (i.e. writing tutor) are:
4. According to your [i.e. writing tutor’s] comments, the strengths and problems in this draft of my piece are the following:
STRENGTHS                                                                  PROBLEMS
a)                                                                  a)
b)                                                                  b)
c)                                                                  c)
5. Based on the feedback, here is my plan for revising this draft (list specific steps you intend to take and specific paragraphs you intend to revise):

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