27 dic 2015

Teaching Writing: Revision Planning Conference Sheet

Revision Planning Conference Sheet
Adapted from: Reid (1993). In Grabe, W. and R.B. Kaplan (1996) Theory And Practice of Writing. Harlow: Longman (p. 392)
Writing Task              , draft    – Date:                        Student-writer's name:

1.     I think the best part of my draft is…
2.     I think the weakest part of my draft is…
3.     Three questions I want to ask you (i.e. writing tutor) are:
4. According to your [i.e. writing tutor’s] comments, the strengths and problems in this draft of my piece are the following:
STRENGTHS                                                                  PROBLEMS
a)                                                                  a)
b)                                                                  b)
c)                                                                  c)
5. Based on the feedback, here is my plan for revising this draft (list specific steps you intend to take and specific paragraphs you intend to revise):

Intercultural Education: Web resources

Intercultural Education: Web resources (accessed November 4, 2014)
       www.ielanguages.com/assistant4.html#teaching (tips for topics)
       www.teach-nology.com (printable graphic organizers)
       Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research (SIETAR) www.sietarinternational.org   
       SIETAR Europe:  www.sietar-europa.org
       http://wvs.isr.umich.edu World Values Survey: This survey is located at the Institute for Social Research, the University of Michigan
       AFS: www.afs.org
       AIESEC: www.aiesec.org
       Youth for Understanding: www.yfu.org

Examples of NSA’s intercultural contributions to extensive reading

Examples of NSA’s intercultural contributions to extensive reading
Course: English Language III. TTC: I.S.P. “J.V. González”. Teacher: Analía Kandel
1.     Auster, Paul. 2001 (ed.) True Tales of American Life. London: Faber & Faber. This book compiles stories edited by well-known author Paul Auster, who read them out on NPR (National Public Radio). The T asked the NSA to select a tale with rich cultural content and plan pre-, while- and after-reading activities. The NSA (K. Curtis, Fulbright NSA 2009) selected a tale on the theme of discrimination/racism, shared the biography of Billie Holiday, the famous American jazz singer, and presented and played the song “Strange Fruit” through a video with the picture that inspired the lyrics: a lynched African-American man, hanging upside-down from a tree. A discussion on slavery, the Civil War, the KKK, the Civil Rights movement, discrimination in the U.S. today, and other related issues ensued. Ss shared examples of discrimination/racism in Argentina. As a follow-up, the T set the writing task "A True Tale of Argentine Life". Ss published it on their e-Portfolio (Blog) and the NSA added comments.
2.     Hornby, Nick. 2005. A Long Way Down. London: Penguin. T asked the NSA to focus on JJ, an American character who, together with the other three main characters (British) point to stereotypes British people tend to have of Americans.
3.     Raban, Jonathan. 2006. Surveillance. New York: Vintage. The T asked the NSA (Scott Clark, Fulbright NSA 2010) to read the novel and plan an activity on the theme of post-9/11 U.S.A. The NSA conducted a very thought-provoking debate.

Conversation/Film Club: Some films that are rich in cultural content

Conversation/Film Club: Some films that are rich in cultural content

1.     Ae Fond Kiss... (Just a Kiss)     Director: Ken Loach                              (UK)
2.     American Beauty                       Lead actor: Kevin Spacey                     (USA)
3.     Bend It Like Beckham               Lead actor: Keira Knightley                   (UK)
4.     Billy Elliot                                   Director: Stephen Daldry                       (UK)
5.     Borat                                          Director: Larry Charles                          (USA)
6.     Bowling for Columbine              Director: Michael Moore                         (USA)
7.     Brassed Off                               Lead actor: Ewan McGregor                 (UK)
8.     Bread and Roses                     Director: Ken Loach                               (USA)
9.     Bridget Jones’s Diary                Lead actor: R.Zellweger-H.Grant          (UK)
10.  Dirty Pretty Things                  Director: Stephen Frears                       (UK)
11.  East is East                               Director: Damien O'Donnell                  (UK)
12.  Educating Rita                           Lead actor: M. Caine/J. Walters            (UK)
13.  Elephant                                    Director: Gus Van Sant                         (USA)
14.  Farenheit 9/11                           Director: Michael Moore                          (USA)
15.  In the Name of the Father         Director: Jim Sheridan                           (Rep. Ireland)
16.  Ladybird, Ladybird                     Director: Ken Loach                               (UK)
17.  Last Orders                               Lead actor: Michael Caine                    (UK)
18.  Michael Collins                          Lead actor: Liam Neeson                      (Rep. Ireland)
19.  Life is Sweet                              Director: Mike Leigh                              (UK)
20.  Little Miss Sunshine                  Lead actor: Toni Collette                       (USA)
21.  Looks and Smiles                      Director: Ken Loach                               (UK)
22.  Mississippi Burning                   Lead actor: Gene Hackman                  (USA)
23.  My Name is Joe                        Director: Ken Loach                               (UK)
24.  Riff Raff                                     Director: Ken Loach                               (UK)
25.  Secrets and Lies                       Director: Mike Leigh                              (UK)
26.  Sicko                                         Director: Michael Moore                          (USA)
27.  The Crying Game                      Lead actor: Forest Whitaker                  (Rep. Ireland)
28.  The Full Monty                          Director: Mike Leigh                              (UK)
29.  The Hurricane                           Lead actor: Denzel Washington            (USA)
30.  The Queen                                Lead actor: Helen Mirren                      (UK)

Conversation Club: Sample Topics for discussions, debates, presentations, role-plays

Conversation Club: 
Sample Topics for discussions, debates, presentations, role-plays
       Vulgar language, register, and verbal taboos
       Turn-taking in speech
       Personal anecdotes and life experiences
       Greetings, friendly exchange, farewells - How do friends meet, take their leave? What are the typical topics of small talk? How are strangers introduced?
       Body language – shaking hands and kissing
       Language learning experiences/strategies: What’s the best way to learn a foreign language?
       Patterns of politeness: what are the most common formulas for politeness and when should they be used?
       Ethnic background/personal history
       A part of the US/host country (hometown)
       Educational background / Education system
       Talk about a topic in timeline format
       Talk about your first year of College / University life (fraternities, sororities, dormitories, etc.)
       Foods young people eat
       Things you like about your country / things you don’t like about your country
       Elements of culture
       Ideas: beliefs, values, and institutions
       Behaviors: customs, habits, dress, foods, and leisure
       Products: literature, folklore, art, and music